Gosforth Central Middle School received a grant of £9200 from the Heritage Lottery Fund (HLF) for a project to investigate and commemorate men from Gosforth who served and died in the First World War.

Awarded through HLF’s First World War Then and Now programme, the project focused on the personal stories behind the fallen who died in action and were buried in Commonwealth War Graves abroad and some servicemen who died of wounds in local hospitals, notably the Northumberland War Hospital in Gosforth and were buried in St Nicholas’ churchyard.
To mark the Centenary of the First World War, the project will enable over eighty Year 8 children to engage with this vivid heritage on their school doorstep. Working with local historians, parents and volunteers from Gosforth Community History Group the children investigated the churchyard and the exciting and evocative archives and newspapers held by Robinson Library Special Collections, Tyne and Wear Archives and Museums and the Newcastle Journal. Head teacher Susannah Webb said: ‘It was wonderful to have a successful HLF application, which gave the Year 8 pupils an enhanced learning experience at the start of their last year at our school. Hundreds of Gosforth men joined up during the First World War, while women took on new roles in industry. The centenary gives us an opportunity to celebrate their achievements and sacrifices.’ Research undertaken by Gosforth Central Middle School was shared with other schools in the Gosforth pyramid and the wider community through a Heritage Trail leaflet on the ‘Great War in Gosforth’
School Project Coordinators
Peter Hepplewhite
Neil Tonge

Head of History
Dean Davidson
Heritage lottery Fund FW-14-08086
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